Accident and Incident Investigation

Duration 2 hours

Last audited 10th February 2023

CPD Approved RoSPA Approved
Accident and Incident Investigation
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  • Instant assessment and result

  • 1 learner per course

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£25 +VAT

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This Accident and Incident Investigation Training course provides learners with an introduction to effective accident and incident investigation. It establishes the importance and key principles of accident and incident investigation, including what kind of adverse events might be investigated and the roles within an investigating team. The course considers what immediate responses might be appropriate following an adverse event and then provides learners with a four-step process for carrying out investigations.

The first step covers what types of information should be gathered, in order to inform any investigation. The course then goes on to look at analysing that information, considering both potential root and underlying causes of adverse events. It then explores how to effectively use the analysis to identify risk control measures, in order to ensure lessons are learnt from any adverse event. Finally, it considers best practices in terms of producing and implementing risk control action plans, as well as how to ensure effective communication of investigation findings, alongside processes for ongoing monitoring and reviewing of actions. 

100% online training

Access anywhere

Same day digital certificate

Printed certificate posted next working day

Full audio voiceover

Assessment retakes at no extra cost

Developed by health and safety professionals

Accredited by CPD and assured by RoSPA Qualifications

What you'll learn

On completion of this course, learners will understand:

  • The importance and benefits of investigating adverse events. These include accidents, cases of ill health, incidents and unsafe conditions at work.
  • How to ensure that immediate actions are taken to reduce ongoing risk, following an adverse event.
  • The roles of those participating in investigations and the timescales involved.
  • The steps required for successful investigations, including information gathering, analysis of the information, deciding on risk control measures and developing and implementing action plans.
  • The importance of monitoring and reviewing at regular intervals, to ensure that actions remain effective.
  • The importance of sharing information, instructions and training with those managing, supervising and carrying out work.

Training you can trust

  • Course Content
  • Assessment
  • Suitable for

Module 1: Introduction to Accident and Incident Investigation

What are adverse events, what causes adverse events, what is accident and incident investigation and who is involved, the importance and benefits of accident and incident investigation, which accidents and incidents should be investigated, ensuring health and safety immediately after an accident or investigation, timescales and conduct of investigations, the four steps of successful investigations, step 1: information gathering, step 2: analysis of the information gathered, step 3: identifying risk control measures, step 4: drawing up and implementing action plans and the Hierarchy of Control.

Module 2: Initial Response and Step 1: Information Gathering

Treatment of injuries and making areas safe, sharing information and immediate lessons, notifying others and recording information, who should carry out the investigation, step 1: information gathering, what happened, when and to whom, how did the adverse event happen, working conditions, case study, safe systems of work and working procedure, injuries and ill health, information gathering, management and supervision, information, instruction and training, maintenance and good housekeeping, provision and use of health and safety equipment, additional work factors.

Module 3: Step 2: Analysing the Information

The role of the investigation team, determining the immediate and underlying causes of accidents, underlying causes: general working conditions, safe access and safe places of work, work equipment and supervision and communication, determining root causes: organisational factors, the health and safety management system, leadership, responsibilities and training, design and planning, management of change, communications and emergency responses, determining root causes: job factors, risk assessments, safe systems of work and resources for health and safety, provision and maintenance of work equipment, management of health hazards and emergency procedures and determining root causes: personal factors, competence, training, information and instructions, excessive demands, fatigue and stress and errors, mistakes, violations and perceptions of risk.

Module 4: Steps 3 and 4: Risk Control Measures and Implementing Actions

Organisational factors, organisational factors - case study, job factors, managerial and supervisory competence, suitability, use, cleaning, maintenance and repair of work equipment and materials, managing health risks, work environment, resources and emergency procedure, personal factors, competence and training, instructions, information and perception of risk, reducing stress, overload and excessive pressure of work, implementing actions, the risk control action plan and other key actions from risk control action plans.

The online assessment is taken on completion of the training material. You will be asked 20 multiple-choice questions with a pass mark of 80%. The answers are marked automatically so you will instantly know whether you have passed. If you don't pass, don't worry! You can take the test as many times as you need with no extra charge.

This Accident and Incident Investigation course is suitable for all managers and supervisors who are responsible for implementing and monitoring risk control measures at work. It is suitable for a wide range of industries.

Written by experts

Profile photo of Neil Murray

In partnership with

Neil Murray

Health and Safety Consultant

Neil Murray is a vastly experienced and highly qualified health and safety professional who has held roles such as Senior Health and Safety Executive inspector,  and Principal Inspector for Channel Tunnel construction. He has also held senior roles in an international infrastructure business, a major UK water utility company and a major construction group and provided management consultancy to numerous companies across a wide range of industries. 

Neil has a wide expertise in many sectors, including construction, civil engineering, manufacturing engineering, water and waste utilities, education, heritage sites, public safety, rail construction and operation, transport, marine, waste management, engineering design and industrial and facilities management services. 

Neil is a QSA auditor for RoSPA and also an author of published guidance on health and safety in the construction of the Channel Tunnel, work at height, major project management, and online training courses.

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