Prevent Duty Training
Quantity: 1
Duration 2 Hours
Last audited 21st February 2024
100% online training
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Instant assessment and result
1 learner per course
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Includes a 10% discount for 10+ courses
This course gives you a clear and concise overview of the Prevent duty. You'll look at radicalisation and extremism in the UK and gain a nuanced understanding of how a vulnerable person could be drawn into extremist thought. You will consider signs that may indicate an individual may be vulnerable to, or be experiencing, radicalisation, how to respond to your concerns, and how Prevent and the Channel programme work in practice.
This course covers both the individual Prevent responsibilities for frontline workers, and sector-specific responsibilities. The latter is delivered via Choose Your Path content, meaning that you can select the content that is relevant to your job role. Case studies and scenarios are included throughout to give you useful opportunities to apply key learning.
100% online training
Access anywhere
Same day digital certificate
Printed certificate posted next working day
Full audio voiceover
Assessment retakes at no extra cost
Developed by professionals
Updated to reflect the latest Prevent duty guidance for England and Wales from the UK government
Accredited by CPD
Earn 2 CPD points on completion
By the end of the course, learners will:
Accredited by CPD
All of our courses are accredited by the CPD Certification Service as conforming to universally accepted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.
Recommended renewal:
3 years
What does this mean? This certificate does not have an expiry date, however, based on industry best practice guidelines there is a recommended renewal period.
Our in-house Learning Designers develop all of our courses to give you and your learners the most engaging training possible.
Definitions of key terms, what does terrorism look like?, what is Prevent?, the Channel programme, how does radicalisation happen?, new social groups, online grooming and extremist messaging online.
The Prevent legislation, general guidance, sharing information, assessing risk, action plans, counter-terrorism local profiles, and monitoring inspection and enforcement. Choose Your Path Content (Sector-Specific Guidance) - Local Authorities, schools and childcare providers, further and higher education, health sector, prisons, probation services and the police.
Example scenario, potential signs of radicalisation and example scenarios.
Notice, Check, Share, what to do if you have a concern, example scenarios and levels of concerns.
Making a Prevent referral, Local Authority thresholds, Channel, local initiatives and community organisations, Prevent statistics, Channel programme success stories, criticisms of Prevent, independent review of Prevent and resources.
The online assessment is taken on completion of the training material. You will be asked twenty multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 80%. The answers are marked automatically so you will instantly know whether you have passed. If you don't pass don't worry! You can take the test as many times as you need with no extra charge.
This course is perfect for anyone working in frontline sectors who has contact with potentially vulnerable people. If you work in the sectors which have statutory Prevent duties and must show compliance, this course can be used to demonstrate due diligence.
The course is particularly useful for anyone working (including as a volunteer) in:
In partnership with
Antonia Noble
Barrister and Safeguarding Specialist
Antonia Noble is a criminal barrister with over 29 years of experience. She is also a highly respected safeguarding specialist both in the UK and Internationally.
She has worked in the public sector at the Criminal Cases Review Commission and as a Cabinet Member at a large county council with responsibility for services including safeguarding, and child protection including multi-agency working at the most senior level.
Antonia has a range of safeguarding and child protection experience including education at all levels. She is currently the Chair of SAND Multi Academies Trust.