Fire Warden Training
Quantity: 1
Duration 3 hours
Last audited 11th July 2024
100% online training
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1 learner per course
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Having a designated fire warden at work is an important part of fire safety. The fire warden works together with the employer to ensure that fire safety measures and evacuation procedures are in place and effective.
This course is suitable for anyone who will be taking on the role of a fire warden in their workplace and has a duty to take charge and guide others to safety in the case of a fire. This course equips you with the knowledge required to assist the responsible person in maintaining fire safety and effectively managing an evacuation. Through this training, you’ll learn how fires can start and the dangers they pose, fire prevention and control measures, fire extinguishers and their appropriate use, and evacuation procedures, gaining a clear understanding of your duties as a fire warden.
In addition to training specifically for Fire Wardens, this course also covers everything you will learn in our Fire Safety Awareness course. There is no need for Fire Wardens to take both courses.
100% online training
Access anywhere
Same day digital certificate
Printed certificate posted next working day
Full audio voiceover
Assessment retakes at no extra cost
Written in compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
Developed by health and safety professionals
City & Guilds Assured
Accredited by CPD and assured by RoSPA Qualifications
By the end of this Fire Warden Training course, you will be able to:
City & Guilds Assured
Thoroughly reviewed independently by City & Guilds learning and development experts, this course is approved as City & Guilds Assured. High Speed Training is the first e-learning provider to have online courses awarded City & Guilds Assured status.
Accredited by CPD
All of our courses are accredited by the CPD Certification Service as conforming to universally accepted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.
Assured by RoSPA Qualifications
This course is also assured by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents through their RoSPA Qualifications Assurance System, as providing up-to-date, quality and content-approved training.
Recommended renewal:
1 year
What does this mean? This certificate does not have an expiry date, however, based on industry best practice guidelines there is a recommended renewal period.
Our in-house Learning Designers develop all of our courses to give you and your learners the most engaging training possible.
Fires devastate businesses of all sizes across Britain every year. They cause damage to property, injure employees through smoke inhalation and burns and, in worst-case scenarios, can lead to fatalities. As a designated fire warden, you have a critical role to play in supporting fire safety in your workplace.
This Fire Warden Training course is suitable for anyone who will be taking on the role of fire warden with no previous knowledge required. It offers an overview of fire safety in the workplace, including the causes of fire, risk assessments, fire prevention measures and, most importantly, the key duties of fire wardens. By taking this course, you will gain the necessary knowledge to help prevent fires, ensure safe evacuation during emergencies and protect your workplace from the potentially devastating consequences of fire.
This module outlines your responsibilities as a fire warden and the actions you must take to ensure the safety of yourself and others during an emergency. It sets the context for fire safety in the workplace and details the responsibilities of others, such as the responsible persons and local authorities.
This module equips you with an understanding of the causes of fire through the fire triangle. It provides you with the key knowledge required to fulfil your role effectively, including the six classes of fire and the safe use of dangerous substances.
This module discusses the importance of effective risk assessments in the workplace. It covers the steps a competent person will follow to complete a fire risk assessment in line with the hierarchy of fire protection and how you may be asked to assist as a fire warden.
This module outlines the fire safety arrangements that should be present in your workplace and your role in maintaining a safe environment. It covers such arrangements as fire detection and warning systems, emergency lighting and signage and fire extinguishing methods.
This module explains how to respond to a fire emergency in your workplace. It outlines the importance of clear emergency plans and evacuation procedures and how people’s behaviour could impact a successful evacuation.
After completing the modules, you will be invited to take the course assessment. This is made up of 20 questions and will test the knowledge you have gained from your training. The questions are multiple choice and are marked automatically, so you will instantly know whether you have passed. The pass mark for the assessment is 80% and you can take it as many times as you need to with no extra charge.
This Fire Warden Training course is suitable for anyone who will be taking on the role of fire warden in their workplace. Anyone at any level can take it and no previous knowledge is required - it covers the basics of fire safety and then goes into more detail about the specific fire safety responsibilities of fire wardens. It will educate you about what your duties are and how to fulfil them.
Be aware that fire wardens should also receive practical training in the use of fire extinguishers to supplement this training course.
In partnership with
Catherine Pollard
Fire Risk Assessor
Catherine Pollard is an experienced Fire Risk Assessor, registered with The Institute of Fire Safety Managers. She has undertaken a range of fire safety specialist training and qualifications including NEBOSH Fire Safety Certificate, ROSPA Fire Risk Assessment, Fire Door, Fire Warden and has a Level 3 Award in Education and Training.
Catherine delivers in person fire safety training across a variety of sectors and settings including schools, chemical plants, factories, offices and construction to ensure they understand how to comply with fire safety regulations, know their responsibilities and know how to keep people safe.
She has worked in the world of health and safety for over 25 years and is an IOSH Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner and is registered with the HSE’s Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register.