Facilities Management Online Course

Duration 3-4 hours

Last audited 10th Feb 2023

CPD Approved RoSPA Approved
Facilities Management
For me
For teams
  • 100% online training

  • Start when you like

  • Learn on any device (desktop, mobile or tablet)

  • Instant assessment and result

  • 1 learner per course

  • Train teams of all sizes

  • Bulk discounts starting at 10% off 10 courses

  • Pay by invoice with 30 day payment terms available (5+ courses)

£125 +VAT

include vat

Includes a 10% discount for 10+ courses

This online course has been designed to provide learners with a thorough introduction to the roles and responsibilities of a successful Facilities Manager.

Facilities Management covers a wide range of topics – from ensuring health and safety compliance through to improving sustainability and managing space efficiency – and it’s important that you have an understanding of each. This course outlines the main responsibilities of a Facilities Manager and provides learners with the information, tips and tricks required to carry out the role effectively.

100% online training

Access anywhere

Same day digital certificate

Printed certificate posted next working day

Full audio voiceover

Assessment retakes at no extra cost

Written in compliance with UK legislation and guidance

Developed by qualified health and safety professionals

Accredited by CPD and assured by RoSPA Qualifications

What you'll learn

By the end of this course, learners will:

  • Understand the responsibilities and duties of an effective Facilities Manager.
  • Know what needs to be considered when managing the day-to-day services used by a business.
  • Understand what is meant by space management and know how to ensure that the workplace is being used efficiently and safely.
  • Know what should be considered in order for the workplace to comply with health and safety legislation.
  • Understand the significance of environmental responsibility and sustainability and how these can be applied to the business.
  • Understand how to manage and control people, including staff and contractors.
  • Understand the importance of cost management, including budgeting, reducing costs and negotiating expenditure

Training you can trust

  • Course Content
  • Assessment
  • Suitable for

Module 1: Introduction to Facilities Management

What is facilities management? Locations that require a facilities manager, consequences of poor management, person specification and main responsibilities.

Module 2: Services Management

Legal responsibilities, facilities needs assessments, hard and soft services, schedules, heating and lighting, water and toilet facilities, air conditioning and ventilation, accessibility, waste disposal and cleaning, rest facilities and catering, workplace furniture, IT systems, general repairs and maintenance, site security and parking.

Module 3: Space Management

Premises management, workplace layout, space efficiency, health and safety compliance, welfare facilities, building leases, sourcing new premises and managing moves.

Module 4: Health and Safety

Why compliance is important, relevant laws, risk assessment, fire safety, staff safety, security and loss prevention, first aid facilities and ergonomics.

Module 5: Environmental Responsibilities

Workplace responsibilities, sustainability, social responsibility, environmental management, going green, recycling, energy efficiency and educating workers.

Module 6: People Management

Managing staff, day-to-day problems, managing your employer, managing contractors, negotiation skills and key contacts.

Module 7: Cost Management

Reducing costs, reviewing costs, bookkeeping, budgeting, contingency planning and asset registers.

The online assessment is taken on completion of the training material. You will be asked 25 multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 80%. The answers are marked automatically so you will instantly know whether you have passed. If you don't pass don't worry! You can take the test as many times as you need with no extra charge.

This course is best suited for managers and supervisors who are new to the role of Facilities Manager or who have little technical background. The course is also ideal for learners who wish to gain a better understanding of what facilities management involves, for those who wish to re-enforce their existing knowledge and for people who simply want to explore what’s required by the role.

The course is written at an introductory level and so no pre-requisite knowledge or training is required.

Written by experts

Profile photo of Neil Murray

In partnership with

Neil Murray

Health and Safety Consultant

Neil Murray is a vastly experienced and highly qualified health and safety professional who has held roles such as Senior Health and Safety Executive inspector,  and Principal Inspector for Channel Tunnel construction. He has also held senior roles in an international infrastructure business, a major UK water utility company and a major construction group and provided management consultancy to numerous companies across a wide range of industries. 

Neil has a wide expertise in many sectors, including construction, civil engineering, manufacturing engineering, water and waste utilities, education, heritage sites, public safety, rail construction and operation, transport, marine, waste management, engineering design and industrial and facilities management services. 

Neil is a QSA auditor for RoSPA and also an author of published guidance on health and safety in the construction of the Channel Tunnel, work at height, major project management, and online training courses.

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