Dyslexia Awareness Training
Quantity: 1
Duration 2 hours
Last audited 10th February 2023
100% online training
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Instant assessment and result
1 learner per course
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This course teaches those working in education settings how to support children and young people with dyslexia. It explores the main definition of dyslexia and the concept of neurodiversity, as well as common co-occurring difficulties. The course stresses the crucial importance of early identification and support in improving outcomes for children.
You will learn about the many strengths and challenges children with dyslexia often experience and how these can affect a child’s life. You will also find out about the diagnostic assessment process for dyslexia, and the role you might play within it. Following The Graduated Approach, you will also learn about a range of high-quality teaching and learning strategies that you can use to support children with dyslexia in your setting.
100% online training
Access anywhere
Same day digital certificate
Printed certificate posted next working day
Full audio voiceover
Assessment retakes at no extra cost
Developed by education professionals
Supported and appraised by a national dyslexia centre, the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity
Accredited by CPD
Earn 2 CPD points on completion
A range of downloadable and interactive resources
By the end of this course, you will:
Accredited by CPD
All of our courses are accredited by the CPD Certification Service as conforming to universally accepted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.
Recommended renewal:
3 years
What does this mean? This certificate does not have an expiry date, however, based on industry best practice guidelines there is a recommended renewal period.
Our in-house Learning Designers develop all of our courses to give you and your learners the most engaging training possible.
What is dyslexia? Dyslexia and SpLDs, What is neurodiversity? Co-occurring difficulties, Strengths of dyslexia, Famous people with dyslexia, Challenges of dyslexia
Characteristics of dyslexia, Phonological awareness, Verbal memory, Verbal processing speed, The simple view of reading model, Reading and dyslexia, Impact of dyslexia on reading, The simple view of writing model, Writing and dyslexia, Impact of dyslexia on writing, Impact of dyslexia on spelling, Impact of dyslexia on learning, Impact of dyslexia on mental health
Early years: common signs, Primary age: common signs, Secondary age: common signs, Key transitions: common signs, Hearing and vision problems, Auditory processing disorder (APD), Visual stress
Dyslexia and the law, The Graduated Approach, The Graduated Approach – assess, A personalised approach, Speaking to the SENCo, Screening, Diagnostic assessments for dyslexia, The Graduated Approach – plan, The Provision Framework, The Graduated Approach - do and review
The importance of early identification and support, Creating an inclusive environment, High-quality teaching strategies, Supporting reading, Supporting writing, Supporting word level work, Supporting maths, Using technology to support dyslexia, Parental engagement, Optional Content
The online assessment is taken on completion of the training material. You will be asked 20 multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 80%. The answers are marked automatically, so you will instantly know whether or not you have passed. If you don't pass, please don't worry. You can take the test as many times as you need – at no extra charge.
This Dyslexia Awareness training course has been designed for anyone who supports children and young people who have - or may have - dyslexia. The scenarios presented in the course are appropriate for teachers, teaching assistants, support staff, childminders, volunteers, tutors, and care workers.
In partnership with
Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity
Leading Specialist Centre
The Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity is a leading specialist centre in the UK, directly supporting people with dyslexia and training the dyslexia specialists and teachers of tomorrow. The charity shares information and advice to change attitudes towards dyslexia and removes barriers to learning and life for children, young people and adults with dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties by providing expert, personal and life-changing support.
The charity’s team of specialists provide help by delivering training, dyslexia assessments, consultations and tuition, whilst also supporting parents of dyslexic children, their teachers, and employers of dyslexic staff.