Customer Testimonials: Alba Traffic Management
Alba Traffic Management required training from us to comply with Fire Safety standards. Being a reputable company and offering affordable pricing was why High Speed Training stood out to them, and Richard Johnston explains why we helped them achieve their workplace goals.

Please introduce yourself and your organisation.
Richard Johnston, Business Support Manager at Alba Traffic Management. Based in Inverness and Fife, Alba Traffic Management provides a comprehensive range of professional traffic management solutions for highway repairs, major events and utilities work.
Why did you choose our e-learning courses?
Price was unrivalled and I had been given good feedback from other parts of the business as we are part of a bigger group. The course was perfect for the level required as we needed awareness training rather than a full qualification.
What specific need or problem were you trying to address by taking our training?
We are audited bi-annually and it was raised as a non-conformance at a recent audit as we did not have an on-site Fire warden or any kind of official Fire Training. Our offices are very basic but as always – knowledge is King and we are pleased to know more than we did prior.
How did our training stand out from other options you considered?
The affordable price was the initial reason but reputation and previous use cemented the choice.
How straightforward was it to get started?
Very easy, I was able to give all my staff personal login details with no issue. Feedback received from all staff was positive.

What specific outcomes have you achieved as a result of using our training?
I was able to close out a non-conformance raised by an external auditor and the workplace is now a safer environment. We are now more knowledgeable about the potential fire hazards within the workplace.
Can you give an example of any awards, metrics or data to support your results?
This training further strengthens our dedication to continual improvement that we document within our various policies. With this training in place, we can comfortably carry out our own fire-safety assessments /inspections /records.
What feedback have you received from your employees or other stakeholders?
This is a basic requirement that should have been completed before it was and was an oversight by management. This now forms part of the training matrix and will not be missed going forward.
Are there any specific features or aspects of the training that they particularly liked?
Ease of use from start to finish and a hardcopy certificate to back-up the training completed. Nothing else to report but have saved the website for future use.
Overall, would you recommend High Speed Training to others?
Absolutely, good value for money. I was able to organise the training for multiple staff members with no issue and I have been given good feedback from said users. This has also given an opportunity to share responsibility with other members of staff.