Case Study: Overcoming Challenges at KTM Compliance

July 22, 2020
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The Challenge:

  • Finding a dedicated course on the specific subject of PPE in healthcare setting as opposed to just one off, general awareness module.

The Objectives:

  • Find a specialised standalone course that discusses the intricacies of PPE in appropriate depth.

The Solution:

  • High Speed Training has recently developed PPE in Healthcare online training course to meet the specific needs of this subject.

A Background on KTM Compliance

Highly accredited with world awards – KTM Compliance provides expert guidance on business operations in terms of statutory and mandatory compliance. We spoke to Mark Cardnell to find out how our PPE in Healthcare helped him overcome recent challenges.

Why Did You Purchase the Course and What Was Your Challenge or Goal?

Mark reveals that in his capacity as a consultant for the Cabinet Office, he was being asked for advice that required specific detail that went above and beyond what other training providers had to offer.

As a consultant, I was being asked very detailed questions and I needed training that was very specific. I needed guidance on the subject of PPE in the context of COVID-19 and I couldn’t find this anywhere else. There were some training programs that mentioned PPE in general terms but I needed something much more in depth and specific to healthcare.

Why Did You Choose High Speed Training in Particular?

Mark informs us he is no stranger to a High Speed Training course:

I have completed 22 High Speed Training courses. These include the likes of DSEAR, COSHH Healthcare, Data Protection, GDPR, Presentation Skills, Permit to Work, Mental Health, COMAR, Environmental Awareness, Legionella Awareness, Food Safety, Noise Awareness, Ladder Safety – yep, I think that’s a fair amount!

High Speed Training has always delivered clear training and I was struggling to find a course that covered PPE guidance in this level of detail required. I am very familiar with the structure of the High Speed Training courses. They are easy to follow so I was excited to discover they offered training in a new subject that I was actively seeking.

How Will You Apply The Learnings Within Your Role?

Mark explains that completing training is often necessary in order to quash misconceptions. 

PPE training is absolutely essential as the way you expect it to be done can sometimes be dramatically different from reality. This can be true for the phenomenon of ‘donning and doffing’ PPE. The High Speed Training course takes you through the exact steps and highlights the message that it is not what you expect. For me, this was an important parameter to establish. The course is designed for healthcare personnel.

How Has the Course Helped to Solve the Challenge You Were Facing? 

Mark is also a Senior Consultant at a leading charity facility. A residential care facility in which the average age is 89.

We were anticipating some COVID cases but we came up with a plan. We set out processes for temperature checking, sealing off the facility, removing contractors, and ensuring we operated with a very small team, all of whom had varied experiences and were expertly trained. We didn’t have any cases of COVID and I believe that was all down to the experience we had as a team collectively and the attention we allocated to training and planning. This course was really helpful in this environment.

Would You Recommend This Course to Others?

I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone needing an understanding of PPE. There were several highlights for me, including the usage of face masks, the EEP prone procedure and the donning and doffing of PPE. The course went into the appropriate level of detail for each of these essential topics.

Mark also states that simplicity is key when dealing with difficult subjects:

The great thing about High Speed Training is that it is in a format that flows. The subject itself is quite daunting, especially when combined with 40-50 slides of information. However, High Speed Training makes it easily understandable in bitesize chunks. There are modules, and you can drop out and come back in again exactly where you’ve left off which makes it manageable. The whole thing is achievable within an hour and a half, maybe longer if you take notes, but that isn’t bad for training that is potentially going to save a life, including your own!

Is There Anything Particularly Interesting or Noteworthy That You’d Like to Share About Your Experience That Hasn’t Already Been Covered?

I make copious amounts of notes which I turn into an aide memoire. I found the High Speed Training course gave helpful posters and linked out to other resources which reduced the amount of notes I needed to take and made sure I engaged with the material. As they say, ‘pictures say 1000 words’ and I believe that to be the case with learning. I have since printed those supplementary resources off and used them to help build my case for recommendations.

What Can You Learn From KTM Compliance?

  1. It’s not always as you expect. When it comes to topics as serious as infection control and prevention, it is better to follow the best practice steps and never rely on what you expect. As Mark told us, what many people expect regarding PPE is not necessarily the right way so learning as much as you can, will ensure you’re suitably prepared. 
  2. Planning is a fundamental step. Mark credits effective planning and clear communication as the main reasons for the thankfully lack of COVID cases in his care facility. It’s so important to plan and often this can mean planning for a worst case scenario. This means you and your staff can assess the situation and apply the correct technique or strategy because of the prior planning and using the outcomes of the effective training you have undertaken.