Risk Assessment Quiz
Test Your Knowledge of Conducting Risk Assessments
A risk assessment is a careful examination of the things in your workplace that could cause harm to people so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. Employers are legally required to assess the risks in their workplace so that they can put in place a plan to control the risks. How much do you know about risk assessments already? Try our quiz now!
What is the first step in a risk assessment?

Who should undertake the risk assessment?

Who is most likely to be at risk from harm in the workplace?

You must have a written record of your risk assessment if you employ how many people?

When would you need to update your risk assessment?

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Further Resources:
- Risk Assessment for Working From Home
- Dust Hazards in Construction and Managing the Risks
- What is the Difference Between Hazard and Risk?
- Risk Assessment for Boats
- Risk Assessment Training