Claire Watts

Claire’s favourite ever Hub article is Why is Child Development So Important in Early Years?

Keeping Children Safe in Education: Key Changes

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Keeping Children Safe in Education is statutory safeguarding guidance that must be followed by schools and colleges. Find a summary of the changes here.

Jul 2, 2024
clock Icon 5 min read

Safeguarding Children Legislation: Guidance for Schools

Advanced Safeguarding Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

It’s vital to remain informed about key legislation and statutory safeguarding guidance as it evolves. Find a summary for schools here.

Feb 14, 2024
clock Icon 15 min read

Educational Bias: How to Avoid Bias in the Classroom

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

If you work in a school setting, you should understand how educational bias affects children. Find the steps you can take to avoid bias in the classroom here.

May 26, 2023
clock Icon 5 min read

5 Ways to Maximise Pupil Voice

Education Teachers and Parents

Using pupil voice means inviting and listening to the views of the learners you work with. Explore why it has such an important part to play in schools here.

May 15, 2023
clock Icon 7 min read

What is Adultification within Child Protection and Safeguarding?

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

Anyone involved in safeguarding children and young people should be aware of the detrimental effects of adultification bias. Play your part in addressing it here.

May 12, 2023
clock Icon 5 min read

What is Media Literacy and Why is it Important?

Education Teachers and Parents

It is important for children to understand the need for media literacy and to build their own skills. Find examples of how media literacy skills can be taught here.

Apr 26, 2023
clock Icon 9 min read

Reading and Mental Health: What are the Benefits?

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Reading can have many benefits in promoting and protecting our mental health. Explore the ways that reading can be used to improve your wellbeing here.

Apr 21, 2023
clock Icon 3 min read

How to Promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Equality and Diversity

Promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion should be an aim of all workplaces. Explore the benefits and find out how to create a better work environment for all.

Feb 24, 2023
clock Icon 8 min read

What is Visual Literacy?

Education Teachers and Parents

Visual literacy, and the skills associated, can aid learning in all areas of the curriculum. Find suggestions as to how it can be fostered in the classroom here.

Feb 1, 2023
clock Icon 7 min read

How to Create an Effective Culture of Safeguarding in Schools

Education Safeguarding Children Teachers and Parents

A safeguarding culture is wide-ranging and embeds safeguarding at the heart of a setting. Find out how to create an effective safeguarding culture here.

Jan 25, 2023
clock Icon 7 min read