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Under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), it is employers’ responsibility to file a RIDDOR report it.
Fire safety signs are used to provide health and safety information. Find guidance on the meanings and which signs are required in your workplace here.
Sustaining an injury due to an accident can be quite a traumatic event for a child. Test your knowledge with our interactive online quiz.
Our guide explores the symptoms and causes of commonplace occupational illnesses. Read on for helpful prevention strategies.
The environment is everything that surrounds us, including the air, the water, the rocks, the grass and all the animals that live here. Take our quiz today!
Test your knowledge of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) UK Laws with our interactive online quiz – it’s free!
A risk assessment is a careful examination of the things in your workplace that could cause harm to people. Test your knowledge with our quiz now!
Health & Safety quiz with available questions and answers. Test your knowledge on health and safety in the workplace before taking our online assessment.
Do you know your electrical safety? Take our interactive online electrical safety quiz to test your knowledge and receive instant results.
COSHH storage requirements are essential for all business types who deal with chemicals of this nature. Are you storing them right?
Electrical safety symbols can be seen in all walks of life. But do you know your symbols?
How much do you really know about manual handling? Take our online manual handling training quiz with full questions and answers to test your knowledge.
Our guide outlines what to include in a confined spaces rescue plan, and provides additional safety resources for those working in enclosed environments.
When working at height you should always be aware of the rules and regulations that govern your safety – read our summary for guidance information.
Step by step guide to creating a working at height risk assessment for your business, from identifying risk to implementing your findings.
Assessing risk when working with display screen equipment (DSE) is important in all industries. Use our free template to identify risks.
It’s important to have manual handling techniques to follow in the workplace so that you can reduce the risks. Find our tips and best practices for safety here.